¡Exogenous sanctions!


April 1 is the deadline to access the temporary reduction of exogenous sanctions!Law 2277 of 2022 modified article 651 of the Tax StatuteLaw 2277 of 2022 modified article 651 of the Tax Statute by introducing novelties in the sanctioning regime applicable to the reporting of exogenous information. With article 80 of Law 2277 of 2022, article 651 of the Tax … Read More

CTCP Remembers the criteria for the classification of companies – IFRS


CTCP Remembers the criteria for the classification of companies – IFRSFinancial information application groups. CONSIDERATIONS AND CONCEPTThe Technical Council of Public Accounting (CTCP) in its capacity as Technical-Scientific Guiding Body of the profession and Standardizer of Accounting, Financial Information and Information Assurance Standards, in accordance with current legal regulations, especially as regards provided in Law 43 of 1990, Law 1314 … Read More

Directorate of National Taxes and Customs


Directorate of National Taxes and CustomsElectronic invoice for income tax filers with POS system The Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN) reminds interested parties that as of next April 1, income and complementary tax filers and income and wealth filers must implement the lí Limit of 5 UVT -$212,060 by 2023- as the maximum amount for the issuance of … Read More

Reducción transitoria de sanciones impuestas por la UGPP


Reducción transitoria de sanciones impuestas por la UGPPAsuntos legalesHan pasado un poco más de 4 meses desde la expedición de la nueva reforma tributaria, la cual trajo consigo la oportunidad para reducir de manera transitoria las sanciones propuestas o determinadas en actuaciones administrativas por parte de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Gestión Pensional y Contribuciones Parafiscales de la Protección Social … Read More

Insights Layout


Insights LayoutLorem Ipsum is simply dummy textKey insights:  86% of real estate developers are more confident in their ability to innovate than pre-pandemic  95% cite rapid and effective innovation as critical to future growth  55% have a budget set aside to fund innovation  44% name access to emerging technologies as a key enabler for innovation  Over the past decade, technological … Read More